
Memento For Sale needs your memories!

It is curious how we keep our memories. It seems like an automatic mechanism that decides by itself to remember or to forget. By an impulse or a memento we´d go to the past , to that mental and physical state but maybe it is not always nice to remember.

How do we value our memories?

“MEMENTO* FOR SALE” is an artistic project that serves as a mediator to share your memories. It acquires a format of an auction** where you can sell your souvenir associated with your memories to at least to a minimum price agreed upon. It does not imply any obligation to sell, but if so the amount will be delivered, deducting the production costs.

The participation is open to everybody who is interested in. Any prior artistic experience is not needed

Contact us

* A memento is a keepsake or souvenir of remembrance.
**An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder. Ineconomic theory, an auction may refer to any mechanism or set of trading rules for exchange. The word "auction" is derived from the Latin augēre, which means "to increase" or "augment".”

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